
Benefits of LinkedIn for you personally and your company

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What is LinkedIn ? LinkedIn is the world’s biggest, most professional networking platforms on the internet today.
You can use LinkedIn for a multitude of different reasons. Are you looking for the right job or internship? Looking to connect and strengthen your professional relationships?
What about learning new skills to succeed in your career?
You can access all these things from the palm of your hand. LinkedIn can be used on your desktop, Ipad, LinkedIn mobile app, mobile web experience and now LinkedIn Lite Andriod mobile app.

Completing a LinkedIn profile can help you connect and expose yourself to opportunities that you may not have known were possible just by showcasing your unique skills, professional history, experiences and education.
By joining LinkedIn you can organise events, join groups, write blogs, post, share and comment.
A professional platform to socialise.

Does a business owner need a linkedIn profile?

As a business owner, LinkedIn allows you to create company pages to define, promote and grow your business. LinkedIn is also useful for researching other businesses and people who may have a similar interests, strategies or profiles to yours.

The best way to explain what LinkedIn is, imagine all those friends from Highschool who now own their own business and want you to like and share all their content on facebook, I am sure you have a couple of those. Now add a splash of Instagram, with the hashtags, photos, inspirational quotes. LinkedIn is a place for all those people to go and share all their knowledge without disturbing all the people on facebook who share what they had for breakfast.

Whether you use LinkedIn a lot or once every 6 months. You’re better to have it and not need it then to need it and not have it. It is like anything, the more you put into it, the more you get out of it.
There are options to pay and subscribe to different levels but for the majority it is a free platform to promote your business, and really who doesn’t love free marketing.

If you are just finding out about LinkedIn because you’ve been living under a rock or something, you may already have it in your head that it is a glorified job board. I won’t lie, at one point in 2003 when it was first launched it may have been but LinkedIn is changing and it is changing fast! For business, this pivot on LinkedIn opens up new marketing opportunities and chances to build a stronger network of professional followers. Connecting with like minded people will generate like minded consumers. And isn’t this what it is all about? Generating new business for your business.

Unless you’re that person from under the rock and you don’t want new clients, then disregard what I’ve said. BUT if you aren’t the weird person from under the rock and you are looking at growing your brand, please keep reading.

What to do with a LinkedIn Profile?

First things first, just create the LinkedIn account. Secondly, much like instagram, it is super important to get the values of your brand across. A really strong, consistent profile can instantly grow your brand and encourage people to follow your page.
You might want to add a description on your page that describes your brand, mission or purpose.
Add a bio, what your brand or company is about, where you started and where you’re headed, people love a story.
Think about who you want your audience to be on LinkedIn, are you looking for new business? Selling your product or service? Are you hiring? Explain clearly why your account was made.

Just remember, LinkedIn is still a social media platform, post pictures and videos regularly, include hashtags, tag people. The more social you are the more you will benefit from it.
My theory is, you might be scrolling through facebook and instagram while you’re laying in bed at night, liking things, sharing funny videos, while you’re there, may as well jump linkedIn and spend a few minutes on that as well.

If you are sharing an image on your instagram, link your facebook and LinkedIn and share at all at once and yes you can do that. What is another free platform to promote your work? This is just another benefit of LinkedIn. Just remember to always be on top of your social media management and if you can’t there are people like us at AX DIGITAL who can do it for you.

You might just have a better chance of picking up some new business from LinkedIn instead of your mate Dean just scrolling by it and giving it a like.

If you are starting your first business and you’re the only one in your friend group who has decided to do something, they may not share the same enthusiasm. I would suggest getting better friends but if you aren’t willing to do that, you will find like minded, enthusiastic people on LinkedIn. People offering free advice, people who are happy to chat and refer you business because that is what they are also there for.

LinkedIn will benefit you personally and professionally whether you like it or not. It wouldn’t be the number 1 social media platform for professionals if it didn’t do its job.

If you like the sound of creating a LinkedIn profile and feel that a LinkedIn profile will benefit you and your business and would like some help doing so, then feel free to get in touch with us by giving us a call or by sending us an email via our contact page.

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