
The Benefits of Content Marketing


Do you want to get in touch with your audience?

I’m sure that you’ve heard of content marketing; it’s the inbound marketing technique that engages your audience with the aim of delighting and retaining them for years to come.

Here are some of the key benefits of top quality content marketing.


There is good evidence that suggests that companies who post regular, engaging content get far more conversions over time, sometimes as much a six times more than those companies who do not focus on content marketing.

More Traffic

Over time, if you produce more content you will bring in more traffic to your site. HubSpot came up with a really interesting statistic to back this up: companies who published more than sixteen blog posts per month got three and a half times more traffic than those who published four or less. The evidence is right there in favour of content marketing.

Branding and Awareness

Learning about your brand is all about finding the customers who instinctively connect and relate to you and the way your organisation operates. High-quality, value adding content is a great way to establish these links and build brand awareness. Finding these brand advocates not only creates lifelong customers, but helps you to promote your brand more widely in a viral manner.

Educate and Solve

Great content can educate your customers and it can help them to solve the issues that they have. Try to get a good idea of the big issues that your customers have and help them to get to the bottom of them.


If you successfully educate and add value in the eyes of your audience they will trust your brand even more. Trust is the cornerstone of loyalty and you need brand loyalty to get the repeat business that every organisation needs to thrive in a competitive market.

Fostering strong, quality relationships with your customer is absolutely key; top quality content marketing is a great way of achieving this.

With this you’ll build credibility and be seen as an authority in your organisation’s field; this can only lead to more customers and more sales.

An Evergreen Resource

The great thing about great content is that it is a gift that keeps on giving; blog posts are as useful as they were on the day they were published as long as they are still relevant. That means if you’re helping someone to answer a pertinent question and you’re genuinely adding value, it will serve you well for years to come.

In Summary

Content marketing is a must for any serious organisation; the benefits are far reaching and if you aren’t doing it (or aren’t doing it properly) you’ll find yourself light years behind your competitors in double quick time.

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